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World of Warcraft news, events, updates, gossips, gold tips, rants, raves and more

WoW Insider is giving away a year’s worth of WoW game time through its Twitter promotion.

What you need to do:
   retweet WoW insider’s twitter message
   follow WoW Insider on Twitter by April 11

Read the announcement and official rules on WoW Insider.

In Patch 4.1, Guild Challenges can be found in the guild information pane and involve completing weekly objectives in dungeons, rated battlegrounds and raids.

Q: How can I complete the challenges?

A: Form a group with at least 3 guildies for 5-man dungeons, 8 for 10-man raids and rated battlegrounds or 20 for 25-man raids and choose your own adventure. There is a weekly cap for the challenges completed.

Q: What’s in it for me?

A: Gold and guild xp are some of the cool rewards promised by Blizzard. Stay tuned for more

Cataclysm Hot Market Tip#1:  Infinite Dust

The price of Infinite Dust has more than tripled post-Cataclysm. It sells from 3g to 8g each depending on the server, according to recent data from The Undermine Journal.  There is a consistent demand for this enchanting material so it is a safe bet for flipping;  buying whenever the price drops under 70% and reposting  at 120% can yield quick profits.

How to stockpile Infinite Dust:
(If you are not an enchanter, just tip an enchanter to DE stuff for you)

disenchant Northrend greens (level 67+, ilvl 130 to 182)
finish all NR quests, run NR dungeons or buy cheap AH greens
buy Abyss Crystal and cast Abyssal Shatter to obtain dust and essences

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Any Auction House goblin will tell you that time is money. Save those precious seconds when buying, posting and managing your gold empire by using the right macros.

A macro is a series of commands that you can bind to a key. For a painless introduction to writing macros, head to the WoW Stratics page. If you are not sure what a specific macro does, Fitzcairn’s Macro Explain-o-matic can, well, explain it to you.

Bid and Confirm Bid on an Item
/click BrowseBidButton
/click StaticPopup1Button1

Buyout and Confirm Buyout on an item
/click BrowseBuyoutButton
/click StaticPopup1Button1

Cancel and Confirm Cancellation of an Auction
/click AuctionsCancelAuctionButton
/click StaticPopup1Button1

Collect gold from your open mailbox (skips all other mails)
/script CheckInbox() for m = GetInboxNumItems(), 1, -1 do TakeInboxMoney( m ) end    (source:

Prospecting (insert your ore of choice)
/cast Prospect
/use titanium ore
/use saronite oe

Milling (insert your herbs of choice)
/cast Milling
/use mageroyal
/use dreamfoil

More useful macros can be found here at Norganna’s Addons’ Wiki page.

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Great news rezzers can look forward to in Patch 4.1:

A dead player can now be resurrected by targeting them using the Party or Raid Frame even if they have released. No more hunting for corpses.

Head to the WoW forums for the official Cataclysm Patch 4.1 PTR notes and check WoW Insider for a full coverage of the changes in the incoming patch.

Blizzard’s idea for world peace: Soon, no DPS will ever have to share his random dungeon candy.

Patch 4.1 PTR note: The Dungeon Finder now attempts to avoid putting damage-dealing classes with the same armor type in a group.

But will this mean even longer LFD waiting times for certain classes? According to Warcraft Realms (based on data collected by Warcraft CensusPlus UI mod), the distribution of level 85 characters that wear similar armor types look like this:

Out of 2,374,344 total characters surveyed:

35% wear plate armor: DK (11%), warrior (10%) and paladin (14%)
20% wear mail armor: hunter (11%) and shaman (9%)
18% wear leather armor: druid 12% and rogue 6%
28% wear cloth armor: priest 10%, mage 11% and warlock 7%.


Walk down memory lane with your favorite game developers on the planet, from Rock ‘n Roll racing, Blackthorne, Warcraft, Diablo, Starcraft and World of Warcraft .

Oh, and there is a quiz afterward.

Q1. Blizzard Entertainment was originally founded under the name:

a)  Caverns and Drakes  b)  Thundersnow c) Silicon and Synapse

Q2. Where did Mike Morhaime and Allen Adham, founders of Blizzard Entertainment first meet?

a) in a Harvard dorm room  b) at a UCLA computer lab c) next to a copier at Kinkos

Q3 . What Blizzard game first started as “Orcs in Space”?

a) Blackthorne b) Diablo c) Starcraft

Q4. What loot did the Furbog, the first mob ever created, drop?

a) nipple ring b) pearl comb c) thick-cut bacon

Answers: 1.c 2.b 3. 4.a

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Glyph of the Donald –  Your Polymorph: Sheep spell polymorphs your target into a sheep with a comb-over

Glyph of Tiger Bloodthirst – Use: Try it once and you’ll die

Glyph of Arcane Mediocrity – The mana cost of your Arcane Brilliance is not impressive at all

Glyph of the Jersey Penguin – Your Polymorph: Sheep spell polymorphs your target into Snooki

Glyph of Blessing of Palin – Use: Turn a Tea Party nobody into a US Senator

Glyph of Thick Cut Bacon – Use: Yum

Glyph of Colon Cleansing – Use: Reduces the accumulation of body wastes inside a Ret pally

Glyph of Truth or Dare – Use: Your target must answer an embarrassing question truthfully, or do something equally embarrassing at your behest

More at

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Cataclysm  introduced new UI and game features designed to make wandering around Azeroth more accessible, immersive, and fun.

Completing  and accepting certain new quests in the field is now as easy as clicking a button.  No more running to a quest giver to turn in, leading to an increase in obesity in the WoW population.

Quest NPC objective windows. Think 3D “Wanted: Dead or Alive posters.”

Highlighted quest NPC names in red, yellow, or green (hostile, neutral, or friendly) that help you find the right mob to kill (because man-bear-pigs look so much like bear-man-pigs from a distance). You can disable this if you think such hand-holding makes the game less immersive for you.

Resource bars for keeping track of debuffs and times in selected quests or encounters.

Allowing multiple players to tag or “tap” a single creature (I’m looking at you, Problin.)

Terrain phasing wherein parts of the environment (objects, NPCs, mountains or entire cities) are hidden or revealed depending on your stage of questing, leading to a more engaging and dynamic  questing experience or just leaving you disoriented and scratching your head.

Personal summons. In “Peacebloom vs. Ghouls,” you get your personal Botanist Brazie, your own lawn to cultivate, and waves of ghouls to battle with.

Cut-scenes. Cut-scenes. And did I mention cut-scenes? In times like these, the escape key is you friend.

Head to the official WoW forum post for more discussion on the new features’ purpose and functionality, or give feedback on how they’ve contributed to your leveling experience in Cataclysm.

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Brutal raid wipefests, we’ve all been there. Although we instinctively point our fingers at the inept tank, dps that stand in the fire or OOM healers for the failed attempts, the lack of leadership has it’s share of the blame. Good raid leaders don’t grow on trees, but you don’t need a master’s degree to learn from tankspot videos, either.

Gevlon at The Greedy Goblin lists the skills Raid Leaders must learn to succeed at this highly technical job: Leadership 101 boils down to having an adequate knowledge of the fights, and using analytic ability, flexibility and a hands-on approach to get the job done.

1. Blackrock Mountain Dew (Gamespot forum post)

2. Boss emote: “Behold the power of Brita Water Purifier” (overheard during a heroic Throne of the Tides run)

3. Promotional tabards you can wear to earn game time

4. Gnomes on Chevy Alvarado mounts and Goblins as Geico spokespersons

5. Verizon cell towers in every major city

6. “Home Depot” signs on free mounts (overheard on trade chat)

7. Starbucks at every inn

8. Nike Nukeblaster Engineering boots

9. Jetblue zeppelins

10. Red Bull Battle Elixirs

Soon, you will be able to shop for a guild like you order coffee at Starbucks. Choose your favorite combo according to guild playstyle (casual, moderate or hardcore), availability (weekends or weekdays) and  class role (tank, healer or dps). Heck, you can even post a mini-resume and browse for guilds with current openings. Nice screenshots of the proposed Looking for Guild Interface from the Public Test Realm available here.

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Firelands raid delayed: “Not Winning”

By the TWM Wire Staff (March 9, 2011 3:20 p.m. EST)

Los Angeles (TWM) — Charlie Sheen’s Tiger Blood boiled as he spewed a tirade online last night, after he just learned that he will have to wait for Cataclysm Patch 4.2 to see the Firelands raid.

Charlie Sheen is an actor and self-professed warlock with marital, legal and substance abuse problems stemming from frustrations about his inability to raid the Firelands in Patch 4.1.

“I feel more alive, I feel more focused, I feel more energetic,” Sheen told TWM last month about his Firelands raiding plan. “I’m on a quest to claim absolute victory on every front.” But his epic-winning mood soured when someone pointed out to him that only Zul’Aman and Zul’Gurub 5-man dungeons will be available in WoW soon.

He accused Blizzard and World of Warcraft developers of “narcissism, greed and hatred of yourself — or women,” and disdain for raiders who like to nuke Fire Elementals in WoW. “You gave me your word so you gave me nothing. It must really suck being your missus.”

“A high treason has occurred,” Sheen concluded. “The scales of justice are in a state of radical disarray. Together we must right this infantile wrong. Stay tuned, good soldiers. I’ll see you all on the battlefield. Dogspeed” he faded as he cried himself to sleep.

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It’s a sad day when another prolific WoW gold blogger (103 posts in January alone!) decides it is time to move on.

Here are the links to some of Zoxy’s useful gold-making posts:

Trade Skill Master tutorial – a three-part step-by-step guide to setting up your gold empire using this awesome new addon

Embersilk farming spot – lists prime spots in Tol Barad, Uldum, Hyjal and Twilight Highlands

Market manipulation part 1 and 2: how to embrace the AH goblin inside of you

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Did anyone say FREE WoW pets?

Veteran WoW-blogger Saate of Massively Obsessed and a bunch of his friends just launched a series of competitions and are giving away pet loot cards as prizes. Yes, you can now retire your cockroach and snowshoe rabbit companions.

Q: What awesome WoW pets can I snag?

A: Landro’s lil XTPaintbombSlashdance

Q: Can you show me where to click?

A: You betcha!

[Saate] – like him on Facebook or Twitter or to his face (CLOSED)

[Anaalius’ Hunt for Gold] – send him a screenshot of your pet

[Bangkok Bill’s World of Goldcraft] – tell him about your favorite charity

[Alto’s Goldish Advice] – just get plain lucky with RNG (CLOSED)

[The Consortium] – be part of their twisted plan

Do you know anyone else giving away WoW freebies? Help spread the word.

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